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Photo-picture of artist - Marek PetrykArtist


My name is Marek Petryk. I came from Poland to Sweden

 in the middle of the seventies and stayed here, in Stockholm. 

I have worked in many years with implementing of  IT,

in banking and telecom sectors. Very seldom - often

during very short periods - I could focus on my interest

in the abstract painting. I am autodidact. By watching

paintings of other artists, analysing them, selecting my

favourites - I tried  to find a mix of compositions

and colours leading to the best results (my own taste of course).

  Now - I am over 50 years old - I decided to paint

 on a regular basis and sell my art-production

 by my private enterprise - Marek Products.



My interest in art is as old as I am. The first paintings I have done are from my Poland-time. 

My paintings from the last year - presented here - respond to my current preferences in priorities of art-elements.

Intensive colours are in my perception of paint-art, one of the most important painting-media-elements.

My compositions are often figurative, but almost always - abstract. Sometimes the level of abstraction is not

so deep and you can "see" or "feel" why some of the paintings get particular names. 



In the north part of Europe, where I am living - there are two dominating colours during a year,  white - when

snow is covering the landscape and green - when the warmer part of the year arrives.

Bright and strong colours seldom appear here - in nature. Flowers - of course we have them here too, but never

as bright as their cousins from tropics. And, like the rest of the world, we have an artificial world of colours, in media,

 entertainment and fashion. Living here, I feel a need of more coloured environment. I try to help the nature with my pictures.

Our home and office environment can be transferred to be more joyful and unpredictable with practical use of art.



Link to another abstract-art related site:     Marten Janson



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Copyright © 2003 - 2006 Abstract In Art.
Last modified: September 12, 2006